Friday, July 10, 2009

Clowning Around

Email from Emma to Stephanie:
you down like a clown?

Email from Stephanie to Emma:

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Things That Make My Life Easier #1

I love love love this little guy. It makes my life infinitely easier to have the Dirt Devil Handheld Vacuum nearby, always charged, to quickly clean up annoying crumbs and dirt. And since it's small and not ugly, I don't have to hide it in a closet, which would make it THAT much more of an effort to take out. I know I probably sound like the idiot ShamWOW! guy, but if you are anal OCD clean like me, you will thank me later.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


Me: Did you know it's going to rain later today?
Out-Of-Town Coworker: I've noticed that Californians always know when it's going to rain. And then they cancel all their plans. What's up with that?

Haha... so true. We're so spoiled in CA.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Organic Milk

My coworker recently introduced me to Horizon 1% Organic milk and OH MY GOD that shit is delicious! Like drinking straight from the cow's udder. You can literally taste the sunny skies and green pastures. It makes ALL the difference in my tea and cereal. Never again will non-fat regular milk touch my lips.

Do it. Make the switch. Go organic.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Reversal of Roles

One of the many interesting conversations I have with my mom, now that we've taught her how to gchat:

Mom: Ok I think that I'm going to watch TV now bye
Me: wow
Me: reversal of roles
Me: ok bye
Mom: what is that mean:reversal of roles?
Me: we're taking the opposite position
Me: so for example, i'm at work and you're the one going off to watch TV
Me: when it used to be the opposite
Mom: hahaha.....I feel so good

Ohhh snap... dissed by my mom!

Monday, February 23, 2009

I made muffins!

The BF was craving blueberry muffins, so I made him some based off of this recipe from Epicurious (my new favorite recipe site). I love how the blueberries burst in the oven and dribbled into the muffin. Since I had some apples laying around, I then decided to make a second "healthier" version for ME with less sugar, whole wheat flour, and applesauce substitution. And it tasted JUST as delicious. We then ate the muffins for breakfast with English Breakfast tea, my absolute favorite combo. I highly recommend this muffin base if you're ever looking to bake muffins. Yum!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Photo by Lori McConnell, National Geographic 2008 International Photography Contest

I really like this picture. What a fantastic way of using post-its. Apparently on each note is the message, "Te amo, Cristina." So cute!

Happy Valentines Day!